Competitive insights: When should you start paying more attention to what are your competitiors doing?

Vesna Elkatafany
Vesna Elkatafany
August 3, 2024

Competitive insights: When should you start paying more attention to what are your competitiors doing?

Ever felt like you’re running a race but can’t see your competition? It’s time to change that. 

Competitive Intelligence isn’t just about spying on rivals; it’s about using their playbook to refine your own strategy. Transform competitive insights into game-changing actions, and turn their moves into your advantage. 

Because in this race, it’s not just about keeping up—it’s about speeding ahead.

Understanding the need for competitive awareness

In today’s fast-paced market, staying ahead requires more than just keeping tabs on your competitors. It’s about transforming competitive data into actionable insights that drive your strategy. 

Competitive Intelligence (CI) is your go-to for:

  • Detailed product analysis
  • Understanding customer preferences
  • Competitor strengths and weaknesses
  • Detailed insights into competitor’s positioning
  • Understanding how the competitors sell their products and services

This intel helps you grasp what customers want, uncover fresh opportunities, and anticipate competitors' moves.

But CI alone isn’t enough. The real game-changer is Competitive Enablement: the process of converting these insights into assets. It’s about not just having the data but leveraging it to inform decisions and stay ahead. So, while competitive awareness lays the groundwork, it’s the application of that knowledge that propels your business forward.

Key Indicators that it's time to focus on competitors

Here’s how to spot those pivotal moments:

  • Increased competitor activity: Pay attention to aggressive moves from your competitors, such as innovative product launches or intensified marketing efforts. These activities could signal a strategic shift that might impact your position.
  • Declining performance metrics: Keep an eye on your company’s performance indicators. A drop in market share, customer satisfaction, or other key metrics often suggests that competitors are gaining traction.
  • Market shifts: Watch for new trends or changes in customer preferences that competitors are seizing. If the market landscape evolves and your rivals are adjusting their strategies, it’s time to re-evaluate your approach.

By tuning into these signals, you can proactively adjust your strategies, ensuring that your business remains competitive and responsive to the ever-changing market landscape.

6 essential competitive insights

1. Value positioning and unique selling points 

Value positioning isn't just about touting your product's features; it's about crafting a compelling narrative that speaks directly to your audience's needs and desires. It's the difference between a feature list and a story that resonates. By dissecting your competitors' value positioning and USPs, you can uncover the gaps in their strategies and reveal opportunities for your brand to shine. This isn't just about differentiation—it's about crafting a value proposition so compelling that customers can't imagine choosing anything else.

2. Features and product suite

Analyzing these elements allows you to identify how your competitors’ offerings meet customer needs and where there might be gaps in your own lineup. This analysis helps pinpoint areas for improvement or differentiation by understanding how competitors position their features and perceived value. 

3. User sentiment analysis

Customer reviews are gold mines of information. By scrutinizing reviews on platforms like G2 and Capterra, you can gauge where competitors excel and where they falter. Look for common complaints or praises to identify opportunities to improve your offerings or capitalize on competitor weaknesses. Understanding the credibility and reputation of your competitors helps you position your business more favorably in the eyes of potential customers.

4. (Paid) marketing campaigns

Examining your competitors' paid marketing campaigns involves a deep dive into the channels they utilize, the products or services they promote, and their target audiences. By tracking their ad placements and promotional strategies, you can uncover which channels are driving their success and where they might be missing opportunities. Going further, analyzing the specifics of their ads—such as the messaging, visuals, and calls-to-action—provides crucial insights into what captures their audience's attention. 

5. Brand perception and reputation

Brand perception and reputation are critical for long-term success. Assess their social media engagement levels and track webpage visitor interactions to understand customer sentiment and the effectiveness of their brand messaging. A positive brand reputation fosters trust and loyalty, making it crucial to continuously monitor and enhance your own brand's image in the marketplace.

6. Pricing

Pricing is a crucial competitive insight that reveals how competitors value their products and services. This information helps you adjust your own pricing to stay competitive, highlight your unique value proposition, and align with market expectations. Effective pricing strategies ensure that you attract the right customers while maximizing profitability and differentiating your brand in a crowded marketplace.

Best competitive insights to gather based on the stakeholder

Understanding what each stakeholder needs from competitive intelligence is crucial for delivering value. By aligning your data collection with the distinct priorities of each group, you transform raw information into actionable, impactful insights that truly make a difference.

1. Product marketing

Focus on insights related to competitors’ product features, updates, and customer feedback. Understand how their products are positioned in the market, any unique selling propositions they highlight, and how these aspects compare to your own offerings. Track their promotional tactics and any new innovations they are introducing to spot opportunities for differentiation.

2. Marketing 

Gather data on competitors’ marketing strategies, including their digital campaigns, content marketing efforts, and social media engagement. Analyze their messaging, target audience segments, and the effectiveness of their advertising channels. This information will help you identify market trends, understand their brand positioning, and refine your own marketing strategies to stay competitive.

3. Sales 

Collect insights on competitors’ sales tactics, pricing strategies, and customer acquisition approaches. Understand their sales cycles, key value propositions, and any incentives or discounts they offer. This will help your sales team anticipate objections, adjust their pitches, and identify new opportunities for closing deals. 

Using a secret shopper is the most effective way for uncovering these insights that aren't typically shared on a company’s website. This hands-on approach allows you to gather firsthand, actionable details that provide a deeper understanding of competitor strategies and customer experiences.

4. Executives 

Provide high-level insights on overall competitive dynamics, market trends, and strategic moves by key players. Focus on major developments such as mergers, acquisitions, and shifts in market share. Executives need a broad view of the competitive landscape to make informed decisions about strategic direction, investment opportunities, and long-term goals.

Tools and Techniques for Staying Ahead in the Competitive Landscape

To truly excel in a competitive market, you need more than just a sharp strategy—you need the right tools to power it. Staying ahead involves harnessing a suite of tools that help you gather, dissect, and act on crucial data.

Let’s dive into how these tools can become your secret weapon, turning information into actionable insights that keep you one step ahead of the competition.

1. Competitive intelligence platforms

Competitive intelligence platforms are great for collecting and analyzing data about your competitors. Tools like Klue, Crayon, and Kompyte, provide comprehensive solutions for tracking competitor activities, from product updates and pricing changes to marketing strategies and customer feedback. These platforms consolidate data from multiple sources, allowing you to create detailed competitor profiles, track their market movements, and identify trends that can impact your business.


  • Real-Time updates: Keep track of changes as they happen.
  • Centralized information: All relevant competitor data in one place.
  • Comprehensive analysis: Get insights on competitors' strategies and performance

2. Social media monitoring tools

Social media monitoring tools such as Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Brandwatch help you track your competitors' social media presence and engagement. These tools allow you to monitor their posts, track their engagement rates, and analyze sentiment around their brand. By observing what resonates with their audience, you can tailor your own social media strategy to capitalize on similar trends or counter their tactics.


  • Trend identification: Spot emerging trends and opportunities.
  • Engagement insights: Understand what content performs best.
  • Sentiment analysis: Determine public perception of your competitors.

3. Website analytics and SEO tools

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz are invaluable for analyzing competitor websites and their SEO strategies. These tools can help you uncover keywords your competitors are ranking for, analyze their backlink profiles, and monitor changes in their website traffic. By understanding their SEO tactics and web performance, you can adjust your own strategies to improve your search engine ranking and online visibility.


  • Traffic analysis: Compare your traffic metrics with competitors.
  • Backlink monitoring: Evaluate competitors' link-building efforts.
  • Keyword insights: Identify high-value keywords and gaps in your strategy.

4. Peer review Platforms

Platforms like G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot provide user reviews and ratings for various products and services. Monitoring these reviews can give you insights into your competitors' strengths and weaknesses from the perspective of actual users. This information can help you identify areas where your competitors are excelling and where they are falling short.


  • Benchmarking: Compare your offerings with those of your competitors.
  • Customer Feedback: Learn about competitors' product strengths and weaknesses.
  • Reputation Management: Monitor how competitors are perceived by their customers.

5. Secret shopper programs

Deploying a secret shopper can offer a unique perspective on your competitors’ customer service and sales processes. This method involves hiring individuals to interact with competitors as customers to gain insights that aren’t typically available online. The firsthand experience can reveal valuable details about competitor service quality, product offerings, and sales tactics.


  • Direct Insights: Obtain detailed, firsthand information about competitor operations.
  • Customer Experience Evaluation: Assess the quality of customer interactions.
  • Service Benchmarking: Compare your service standards with competitors’.

6. Industry reports and publications

Staying informed through industry reports and publications from sources like Gartner, Forrester, and Harvard Business Review can provide broader context for your competitive analysis. These reports offer insights into market trends, emerging technologies, and industry shifts that can impact your competitive landscape. Keeping up with these publications helps you anticipate changes and adapt your strategy accordingly.


  • Expert Opinions: Gain insights from industry leaders and analysts.
  • Strategic Planning: Adjust your strategies based on industry forecasts.
  • Trend Analysis: Understand broader industry trends and their implications.

Turning insights into collaterals

This is where all your data collection and research efforts finally spark change. 

Collaterals could be anything from:

  • Battlecards - to win deals and support the sales team
  • Competitive newsletter - regular insights about competitors' movement so the company never gets caught off guard
  • Product teardown reports- getting to know your biggest competitors and building a product strategy that stays uniquely ahead
  • Marketing Collaterals - based on the depth of research, all other materials from ABM deck, line-of-business battlecards, comparison matrix, the voice of the customer, etc. can be produced from the pool of information gathered from competitive intelligence work
  • Public comparison pages
  • Marketing landers, competitor analysis sheets, marketing collaterals, etc…

Yes, this is a lot of work, but that's because it's worth it. And if it feels overwhelming, remember, you're not alone. If you want to leverage our expertise—like we've done for industry giants such as Slack—reach out to us. Let’s explore how we can turn your competitive intelligence into your company’s most powerful asset.

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