Get your competitor's user sentiment analysis in 24 hours. For free.

We’ll analyze your chosen competitor's G2 reviews, create a short summary and share insights with you at no cost.

Spreadsheet with competitor’s latest G2 reviews

3-5 slides with key insights about you competitor strengths and weaknesses

It’s 100% free — no tricks

* Due to number of requests - it could take 48 hours - sorry! One at a time.

How it works


Submit a request

Tell us who’s your competitor and share their direct URL G2 page with us.


Wait a day

In the next 24 hours, our CI experts will analyze G2 reviews in the past year to gain insights on what users like and dislike about your competitor.


Get raw data and insights

We’ll share a spreadsheet with reviews that is easy to filter and find details on features, customer support, or product quality.

Additionally, we’ll create 3-5 slides, summarizing top likes and dislikes so you can better position yourself against a competitor.

Get insights
I want to see an example.

Why trust us

Get insights

Complete anonymity

“They” will never know.

No commitment

Although we’d love to continue working with you, getting a user sentiment report is completely free, no strings attached.

Fast turnaround

You’ll get insights within 24 hrs.

Analyzed by competitive intelligence experts

Our team has been working with leading tech companies, providing valuable insights for years.

Working with Grow + Scale has been such a valuable service - from improving content to staying on top of the competition - they can help you scale and up level all your content and competitive needs. Grow + Scale is instrumental for any compete, product marketing or sales program looking to be on the cutting edge of content quality and delivery - and guaranteed to enable your sellers to win more.

Clara Smyth
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Competitive Intelligence Team, Slack

Grow and Scale created an end to end content campaign for our Windows 8 sunsetting GTM. The work was thorough and most importantly really dove deep into understanding our customers behavior and what a great journey would look like for them. All of their work was used globally by the sales teams because of its high quality and clarity.

Masha Reutovski
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft

The name Grow + Scale says it all, they are not a vendor, they are a trusted partner and advisor. No idea is too big or too small. The Grow + Scale team approaches every request with consistent enthusiasm, urgency, and attention to detail. I bring them what I would like the end result to be and they determine the best way to create visually appealing and engaging content. If you need a partner to help you take your content to the next level, Grow + Scale is that partner.

Jennifer Johnson
Senior Corporate GTM Lead, Slack
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